Healthy Organic Applesauce with Cinnamon

Lead Found in Cinnamon Products Sold in US

The U S Food and Drug Administration FDA recommends consumers do not buy or eat ground cinnamon Recently elevated levels in cinnamon were discovered in certain cinnamon apple sauce pouches that lead to lead poisoning in children The FDA is taking steps to address this and sent a letter to all cinnamon manufacturers processors...

Project Harvest

Contaminants Found in Rooftop Harvested Rainwater in Tucson, Arizona

For the past six years we have collaborated with University of Arizona's Project Harvest to examine levels of contamination in residential harvested rainwater We collected and analyzed over rainwater samples by partnering with families in Tucson whom are disproportionately impacted by climate change and pollution The findings show there is increased contamination in rainwater...

FINAL - UHI Workshop - 10312023

UHI Workshop: Hot Topics / Cool Solutions

The City of Tucson s Landscape Advisory Committee LAC invite you to the th Urban Heat Island UHI Workshop This year the workshop is in collaboration with University of Arizona CLIMAS Discussions will focus on finding opportunities for Tucson to develop innovative solutions to mitigate the Urban Heat Island UHI effect and effectively communicate...



As part of our diversity and inclusion strategy website visitors are now able to access a wide range of accessibility and language support tools to customize their digital experience through Recite Me assistive technology Being able to offer an inclusive experience is essential to support over of the population who may encounter barriers when...

Diverse family standing in front of the house during covid19 loc

索诺拉环境研究所有限公司喜获125,000 美元拨款帮助打击住房歧视现象

亚利桑那州土桑市 (Tucson, AZ)  –  根据美国住房和城市发展部 (HUD) 的《公平住房倡议计划》 (FHIP),索诺拉环境研究所有限公司(Sonora Environmental Research Institute, Inc.,以下简称为“SERI”)获得了125,000 美元的拨款,用于打击图桑大都市地区的住房歧视现象。联邦政府的《公平住房法》保护人们在住房方面免受基于种族、国籍、肤色、宗教、性别、家庭状况和残疾的歧视。这些是受联邦政府保护的七个类别。住房歧视现象仍然存在,特别是在租赁、房地产销售、贷款和房主保险交易等方面。住房歧视影响到许多家庭,特别是那些生活在贫困中的家庭,他们最容易在住房方面受到不公平待遇。

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