Upcoming Events about Rainwater Harvesting

Rainwater Harvesting Online Workshop - English

Rainwater HarvestingRainwater Harvesting

  • Online
  • Free

Rainwater harvesting helps cool urban temperatures, reduce street flooding and is best used for irrigation. The water collected can be for your trees, plants and garden. During this workshop come learn about residential rainwater harvesting. Learn about passive and active systems including design considerations, planning your project, best practices, maintenance, and more. The second half of the workshop you will receive information on Tucson Water’s Rebate and SERI’s Limited-Income Loan and Grant Program including what you will receive by participating, requirements to participate and how to apply. To register please contact leslie.pilli@seriaz.org or (520) 308-9519. Attending this workshop meets one of the requirements for the City of Tucson’s rainwater harvesting rebate ONLY for SERI clients and is not open to the public. This workshop is in English and about 1.5 hours long.

Rainwater Harvesting Online Workshop - English

Rainwater HarvestingRainwater Harvesting

  • Online
  • Free

Rainwater harvesting helps cool urban temperatures, reduce street flooding and is best used for irrigation. The water collected can be for your trees, plants and garden. During this workshop come learn about residential rainwater harvesting. Learn about passive and active systems including design considerations, planning your project, best practices, maintenance, and more. The second half of the workshop you will receive information on Tucson Water’s Rebate and SERI’s Limited-Income Loan and Grant Program including what you will receive by participating, requirements to participate and how to apply. To register please contact leslie.pilli@seriaz.org or (520) 308-9519. Attending this workshop meets one of the requirements for the City of Tucson’s rainwater harvesting rebate ONLY for SERI clients and is not open to the public. This workshop is in English and about 1.5 hours long.

News & Blog Posts about Rainwater Harvesting

Landscape and Urban Planning

Article Published in Landscape and Urban Planning “Accessible, and culturally responsive: Why we need to examine diverse plant uses and values in green infrastructure”

New research highlights the importance of cultural values in green infrastructure GI Co-authored by Flor Sandoval Program Director at SERI this study explores how plant preferences differ across economic and cultural backgrounds in a semi-arid city of the U S Southwest Findings show that low-income Hispanic residents often favor fruit-bearing plants for cultural benefits...

SERI_Grow Tucson Community Champion_English

Grow Tucson Community Champion (Bilingual)

As a Community Champion you will be the liaison between the Grow Tucson partners and community members of the neighborhood you live in You will actively engage with residents promote our events and build relationships that drive community involvement Your role will involve canvassing the neighborhood attending and coordinating events setting up neighborhood meetings...

Low angle gardener watering plants

Tucson Water Wins 2024 Excellence in Equity Award

The Alliance for Water Efficiency AWE recently awarded Tucson Water the winner for providing a diversity of conservation incentives to support low-income communities in Tucson As one of Tucson Water s long-standing partners we are proud to be running efficiency and water conservation programs to create equity in our community discounted clothes washer installations...

NASA Rain Gauge

NASA Precipitation Study

SERI received a $100,000 grant to study precipitation in Tucson. We invented a wooden mount that is easily installed on any kind of fence, so that participants did not have to install a wooden post. Now SERI has received a year’s worth of precipitation measurements from participants.

Project Harvest

Contaminants Found in Rooftop Harvested Rainwater in Tucson, Arizona

For the past six years we have collaborated with University of Arizona's Project Harvest to examine levels of contamination in residential harvested rainwater We collected and analyzed over rainwater samples by partnering with families in Tucson whom are disproportionately impacted by climate change and pollution The findings show there is increased contamination in rainwater...

rainwater harvesting

Drought Resiliency Grant

SERI has recently received extra funding from the Bureau of Reclamation WaterSmart Drought Response Program to make rainwater harvesting more affordable and accessible to Tucson s low-income community Through our existing Limited-Income Rainwater Harvesting Loan Grant Program this new grant will give qualifying households an extra to cover the costs of installing a -gallon...

Rainwater Harvesting Installation

Making The Most of Water in Tucson (Interview with The Buzz)

Cisterns gutters and passive designs cost money but at SERI we provide a Rainwater Harvesting Loan amp Grant Program for limited-income residents to afford systems David Sanabria Rainwater Harvesting Program Manager talks on The Buzz about our participants experiences in the program and new benefits participants are receiving We tend to have higher interest...


Interested in Having Your Own Garden and Need Seeds?

Growing our own food is not an easy task but it is not impossible there are resources available to help For a second time now we are partnering with Community Food Bank of Southern Arizona to benefit our participants by providing them free seasonal seeds If you are interested in having your own garden...

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