Rainwater Harvesting Graphic

Rainwater Harvesting Online Workshop – English

Learn about residential rainwater harvesting, qualification requirements for Tucson Water’s Rebate Program, and SERI’s Limited Income Loan and Grant Program. Attending this workshop meets one of the requirements for the City of Tucson’s rainwater harvesting rebate. This workshop is about 3 hours long and in English.

Rainwater Harvesting Graphic

Rainwater Harvesting Online Workshop – English

Learn about residential rainwater harvesting, qualification requirements for Tucson Water’s Rebate Program, and SERI’s Limited Income Loan and Grant Program. Attending this workshop meets one of the requirements for the City of Tucson’s rainwater harvesting rebate. This workshop is about 3 hours long and in English.

Rainwater Harvesting Graphic

Rainwater Harvesting Online Workshop – English

Learn about residential rainwater harvesting, qualification requirements for Tucson Water’s Rebate Program, and SERI’s Limited Income Loan and Grant Program. Attending this workshop meets one of the requirements for the City of Tucson’s rainwater harvesting rebate. This workshop is about 3 hours long and in English.


Discrimination Based on Sex and Fair Housing – English

Discrimination in housing because of sex is illegal During this workshop you will learn how sex is protected under the Fair Housing Act along with what falls under sex gender identity and sexual orientation HUD policies and rules what is prohibited examples of discrimination and sexual harassment Additionally if you think you have experienced...

People meeting

Vivienda justa para prestamistas y proveedores de vivienda – Español

Eres un prestamista o proveedor de vivienda La vivienda justa impacta donde todos pueden vivir trabajar y participar en la comunidad Durante este taller en l nea aprender los conceptos b sicos de vivienda justa incluyendo quejas por tipo de operaciones lo que esta prohibido ejemplos de violaciones y discriminaci n exenciones buenas practicas...

Rainwater Harvesting Graphic

Taller de captura de agua de lluvia en linea – Español

Aprenda sobre la captura de agua de lluvia residencial el programa de reembolso de Tucson Water y nuestro programa de prestamos y becas para familias de bajos ingresos Participar en este taller cumple con uno de los requisitos del reembolso de la ciudad de Tucson El taller dura aproximadamente horas y es en Espa...


Discapacidades y vivienda justa – Español

M s del de las quejas de vivienda investigadas cada a o por HUD las agencias estatales y locales son por concepto de discapacidad Durante este taller aprender s c mo la discapacidad est protegida por la Ley de Vivienda Justa incluyendo todo lo referente a la discapacidad adaptaciones y modificaciones razonables y los...

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