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Fair Housing Basics – English


During this workshop you will learn about the basics of fair housing including the Fair Housing Act, the seven federal protected classes, what is prohibited, possible signs of discrimination, and more.

Free (Registration encouraged)

Fair Housing Basics – Spanish


During this workshop you will learn about the basics of fair housing including the Fair Housing Act, the seven federal protected classes, what is prohibited, possible signs of discrimination, and more.

Free (Registration encouraged)

Disabilities and Fair Housing – Spanish


During this workshop you will learn how disability is protected under the Fair Housing Act along with what falls under a disability, reasonable accommodations, reasonable modifications and accessibility requirements for buildings.

Free (Registration encouraged)

Disabilities and Fair Housing – English


During this workshop you will learn how disability is protected under the Fair Housing Act along with what falls under a disability, reasonable accommodations, reasonable modifications and accessibility requirements for buildings.

Free (Registration encouraged)

Rainwater Harvesting Online Workshop – Spanish


Learn about residential rainwater harvesting, qualification requirements for Tucson Water’s Rebate Program, and SERI's Limited Income Loan and Grant Program. Attending this workshop meets one of the requirements for the City of Tucson's rainwater harvesting rebate.

Free (Registration encouraged)

Rainwater Harvesting Online Workshop – English


Learn about residential rainwater harvesting, qualification requirements for Tucson Water’s Rebate Program, and SERI's Limited Income Loan and Grant Program. Attending this workshop meets one of the requirements for the City of Tucson's rainwater harvesting rebate.

Free (Registration encouraged)

Fair Housing for Tenants and Home Buyers – Spanish


Are you a tenant or home buyer? Fair housing impacts where you can live, work and engage in your community. During this workshop you will learn the basics of fair housing including complaints by transaction type, what is prohibited, examples of violations and discrimination, exemptions, your landlord’s obligations, and fair lending.

Free (registration required)

Disabilities and Fair Housing – English


During this workshop you will learn how disability is protected under the Fair Housing Act along with what falls under a disability, reasonable accommodations, reasonable modifications and accessibility requirements for buildings.

Free (registration required)

Rainwater Harvesting Online Workshop – English


Learn about residential rainwater harvesting, qualification requirements for Tucson Water’s Rebate Program, and SERI's Limited Income Loan and Grant Program. Attending this workshop meets one of the requirements for the City of Tucson's rainwater harvesting rebate. This workshop is about 3 hours long and in English.

Free (registration required)

Fair Housing for Tenants and Home Buyers – English


Are you a tenant or home buyer? Fair housing impacts where you can live, work and engage in your community. During this workshop you will learn the basics of fair housing including complaints by transaction type, what is prohibited, examples of violations and discrimination, exemptions, your landlord’s obligations, and fair lending. Additionally, if you think you have experienced unlawful discrimination in housing you will learn how to file a complaint with SERI. You will receive a certificate for attending the full workshop.

Free (registration required)

Rainwater Harvesting Online Workshop – English


Learn about residential rainwater harvesting, qualification requirements for Tucson Water’s Rebate Program, and SERI’s Limited Income Loan and Grant Program. Attending this workshop meets one of the requirements for the City of Tucson’s rainwater harvesting rebate. This workshop is about 3 hours long and in English.

Free (registration required)

Taller de captura de agua de lluvia en linea – Español


Aprenda sobre la captura de agua de lluvia residencial, el programa de reembolso de Tucson Water, y nuestro programa de prestamos y becas para familias de bajos ingresos. Participar en este taller cumple con uno de los requisitos del reembolso de la ciudad de Tucson. El taller dura aproximadamente 3 horas y es en Español.

Gratís (registro requerido)

Rainwater Harvesting Online Workshop – English


Learn about residential rainwater harvesting, qualification requirements for Tucson Water’s Rebate Program, and SERI’s Limited Income Loan and Grant Program. Attending this workshop meets one of the requirements for the City of Tucson’s rainwater harvesting rebate. This workshop is about 3 hours long and in English.

Free (registration required)

Vivienda justa para prestamistas y proveedores de vivienda – Español


¿Eres un prestamista o proveedor de vivienda? La vivienda justa impacta donde todos pueden vivir, trabajar y participar en la comunidad. Durante este taller en línea aprenderá los conceptos básicos de vivienda justa incluyendo quejas por tipo de operaciones, lo que esta prohibido, ejemplos de violaciones y discriminación, exenciones, buenas practicas de vivienda a seguir y acciones legales. Además, si cree que su cliente ha sido victima de discriminación ilegal en la vivienda, aprenderá como pueden presentar una queja en SERI. Usted recibirá un certificado de asistencia (deberá estar presente durante toda la duración del taller).

Gratís (registro requerido)

Fair Housing for Housing Providers and Lenders – English


Are you a housing provider or lender? Fair housing impacts where everyone can live, work and engage in your community. During this workshop you will learn the basics of fair housing including complaints by transaction type, what is prohibited, examples of violations and discrimination, exemptions, good housing practices to follow and legal action. Additionally, if you think your client has experienced unlawful discrimination in housing you will learn how they can file a complaint with SERI. You will receive a certificate for attending the full workshop.

Free (registration required)
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