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How to Identify and Mitigate Fire Hazards at Your Work – English


Do you work at an auto shop? Do you know how to prevent a fire from starting at your work? A fire can prove to be very costly for a shop, both in terms of employee injuries and damaged equipment. During this training you will learn how to improve fire safety at your work. You will receive an overview of the elements of a fire prevention plan, in-detail how to evaluate your work facility for fire hazards, and strategies for reducing or eliminating fire hazards at your work.

Free (registration required)

Acciones para reducir la posible exposición al plomo – Español


Estas buscando formas de crear un hogar mas saludable para ti y tu familia? Acompañenos al evento en vivo por Facebook sobre como puede prevenir el evenenamiento por plomo en su hijo y su hogar. Durante la presentacion aprenderá que es la intoxicacion por plomo, donde se encuentra el plomo en su hogar y como prevenir la exposicion de su hijo al plomo. Le proporcionaremos consejos para la prevención del plomo para practicar en su vida diaria, incluida la limpieza, la nutrición, como evitar el plomo en su hogar, el agua de la llave y más. Aprenderá cuales son los próximos pasos para proteger a su hijo del plomo a través del Programa de pintura a base de plomo de la ciudad de Tucson, como precalificar y lo que puede esperar de su participación.


Rainwater Harvesting Online Workshop – English


Learn about residential rainwater harvesting, qualification requirements for Tucson Water’s Rebate Program, and SERI’s Limited Income Loan and Grant Program. Attending this workshop meets one of the requirements for the City of Tucson’s rainwater harvesting rebate. This workshop is about 3 hours long and in English.

Free (registration required)

Conceptos básicos de vivienda justa – Español


¿Eres un inquilino, comprador, o prestamista de vivienda? La vivienda justa impacta donde puedes vivir, trabajar y participar en tu comunidad. Durante este taller puedes aprender lo básico de vivienda justa incluyendo las siete clases federales protegidas, lo qué está prohibido, los posibles signos de discriminación y más. Además, Si piensas que has sufrido (o su cliente ha sufrido) discriminación injusta en vivienda, aprenda como someter una queja en SERI. Usted recibirá un certificado de asistencia (deberá estar presente durante toda la duración del taller).

Gratís (registro requerido)

Basics of Fair Housing – English


Did you know? It is illegal to discriminate in housing based on someone’s race, color, religion, national origin, sex, familial status, and disability. During this class you will learn about the history of fair housing, where fair housing applies, the importance of fair housing work, the seven protected classes, fair housing complaint statistics, fair housing laws, prohibited activities, accessibility features for new construction, use of criminal records, potential signs of discrimination, exemptions to the Fair Housing Act, who is held liable for housing discrimination, fair housing cases, and how to file a fair housing complaint inquiry with SERI. You will receive a certificate for attending the full class.

Free (registration required)

Taller de captura de agua de lluvia en linea – Español


Aprenda sobre la captura de agua de lluvia residencial, el programa de reembolso de Tucson Water, y nuestro programa de prestamos y becas  para familias de bajos ingresos. Participar en este taller cumple con uno de los requisitos del reembolso de la ciudad de Tucson. El taller dura aproximadamente 3 horas y es en Español.

Gratís (registro requerido)

Rainwater Harvesting Online Workshop – English


Learn about residential rainwater harvesting, qualification requirements for Tucson Water’s Rebate Program, and SERI’s Limited Income Loan and Grant Program. Attending this workshop meets one of the requirements for the City of Tucson’s rainwater harvesting rebate. This workshop is about 3 hours long and in English.

Free (registration required)

Rainwater Harvesting Online Workshop – English


Learn about residential rainwater harvesting, qualification requirements for Tucson Water’s Rebate Program, and SERI’s Limited Income Loan and Grant Program. Attending this workshop meets one of the requirements for the City of Tucson’s rainwater harvesting rebate. This workshop is about 3 hours long and in English.

Free (registration required)

Basics of Fair Housing – English


Did you know? It is illegal to discriminate in housing based on someone’s race, color, religion, national origin, sex, familial status, and disability. During this class you will learn about the history of fair housing, where fair housing applies, the importance of fair housing work, the seven protected classes, fair housing complaint statistics, fair housing laws, prohibited activities, accessibility features for new construction, use of criminal records, potential signs of discrimination, exemptions to the Fair Housing Act, who is held liable for housing discrimination, fair housing cases, and how to file a fair housing complaint inquiry with SERI. You will receive a certificate for attending the full class.

Free (registration required)

Conceptos básicos de vivienda justa – Español


¿Eres un inquilino, comprador, o prestamista de vivienda? La vivienda justa impacta donde puedes vivir, trabajar y participar en tu comunidad. Durante este taller puedes aprender lo básico de vivienda justa incluyendo las siete clases federales protegidas, lo qué está prohibido, los posibles signos de discriminación y más. Además, Si piensas que has sufrido (o su cliente ha sufrido) discriminación injusta en vivienda, aprenda como someter una queja en SERI. Usted recibirá un certificado de asistencia (deberá estar presente durante toda la duración del taller).

Gratís (registro requerido)

Taller de captura de agua de lluvia en linea – Español


Aprenda sobre la captura de agua de lluvia residencial, el programa de reembolso de Tucson Water, y nuestro programa de prestamos y becas  para familias de bajos ingresos. Participar en este taller cumple con uno de los requisitos del reembolso de la ciudad de Tucson. El taller dura aproximadamente 3 horas y es en Español.

Gratís (registro requerido)

Rainwater Harvesting Online Workshop – English


Learn about residential rainwater harvesting, qualification requirements for Tucson Water’s Rebate Program, and SERI’s Limited Income Loan and Grant Program. Attending this workshop meets one of the requirements for the City of Tucson’s rainwater harvesting rebate. This workshop is about 3 hours long and in English.

Free (registration required)

Rainwater Harvesting Online Workshop – English


Learn about residential rainwater harvesting, qualification requirements for Tucson Water’s Rebate Program, and SERI’s Limited Income Loan and Grant Program. Attending this workshop meets one of the requirements for the City of Tucson’s rainwater harvesting rebate. This workshop is about 3 hours long and in English.

Free (registration required)

Basics of Fair Housing – English


Did you know? It is illegal to discriminate in housing based on someone’s race, color, religion, national origin, sex, familial status, and disability. During this class you will learn about the history of fair housing, where fair housing applies, the importance of fair housing work, the seven protected classes, fair housing complaint statistics, fair housing laws, prohibited activities, accessibility features for new construction, use of criminal records, potential signs of discrimination, exemptions to the Fair Housing Act, who is held liable for housing discrimination, fair housing cases, and how to file a fair housing complaint inquiry with SERI. You will receive a certificate for attending the full class.

Free (registration required)

Conceptos básicos de vivienda justa – Español


¿Eres un inquilino, comprador, o prestamista de vivienda? La vivienda justa impacta donde puedes vivir, trabajar y participar en tu comunidad. Durante este taller puedes aprender lo básico de vivienda justa incluyendo las siete clases federales protegidas, lo qué está prohibido, los posibles signos de discriminación y más. Además, Si piensas que has sufrido (o su cliente ha sufrido) discriminación injusta en vivienda, aprenda como someter una queja en SERI. Usted recibirá un certificado de asistencia (deberá estar presente durante toda la duración del taller).

Gratís (registro requerido)
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