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UHI Workshop – Hot Topics / Cool Solutions

Environment and Natural Resources 2 Building 1064 E Lowell St, Tucson, United States

The City of Tucson’s Landscape Advisory Committee (LAC) invite you to the 14th Urban Heat Island (UHI) Workshop. This year the workshop is in collaboration with University of Arizona CLIMAS. Discussions will focus on finding opportunities for Tucson to develop innovative solutions to mitigate the Urban Heat Island (UHI) effect and effectively communicate about and respond to extreme heat events.


Basics of Fair Housing – English


Did you know? It is illegal to discriminate in housing based on someone’s race, color, religion, national origin, sex, familial status, and disability. During this class you will learn about the history of fair housing, where fair housing applies, the importance of fair housing work, the seven protected classes, fair housing complaint statistics, fair housing laws, prohibited activities, accessibility features for new construction, use of criminal records, potential signs of discrimination, exemptions to the Fair Housing Act, who is held liable for housing discrimination, fair housing cases, and how to file a fair housing complaint inquiry with SERI. You will receive a certificate for attending the full class.


Taller de captura de agua de lluvia en persona – Español

Quincie Douglas Library 1585 E 36th St, Tucson, Arizona, United States

La captura de agua de lluvia ayuda a reducir la temperatura urbana, las inundaciones en las calles y el consumo del agua residencial, se puede utilizar en el riego de árboles y plantas. Durante este taller, aprenderá sobre los beneficios de capturar el agua de lluvia, los sistemas activos y pasivos, incluyendo las consideraciones de diseño, planificación del proyecto, prácticas recomendadas, mantenimiento y mucho más. En la segunda mitad del taller recibirá información sobre el programa de reembolso de Tucson Water y el programa de SERI para familias de bajo ingreso, los beneficios y requisitos para participar y cómo aplicar para el programa. Para registrarse y cualquier preguntas, póngase en contacto con o (520) 308-9519. Los talleres están abiertos al público, al asistir está cumpliendo con uno de los requisitos para obtener el reembolso de Tucson Water. Los talleres están disponibles en Español y la duración aproximada es de 2 horas.


Rainwater Harvesting Online Workshop – English


Rainwater harvesting helps cool urban temperatures, reduce street flooding and is best used for irrigation. The water collected can be for your trees, plants and garden. During this workshop come learn about residential rainwater harvesting. Learn about passive and active systems including design considerations, planning your project, best practices, maintenance, and more. The second half of the workshop you will receive information on Tucson Water’s Rebate and SERI’s Limited-Income Loan and Grant Program including what you will receive by participating, requirements to participate and how to apply. Register at For any questions please contact or (520) 308-9519. Attending this workshop meets one of the requirements for the City of Tucson’s rainwater harvesting rebate and is open to the public. This workshop is in English and about 2 hours long.


Taller de Empoderamiento Solar – Español

Quincie Douglas Library 1585 E 36th St, Tucson, Arizona, United States

Aprovechar el poder del sol se ha vuelto cada vez más importante en la búsqueda de fuentes de energía renovables y sostenibles. Este taller está diseñado para informar a los participantes la comprensión de las tecnologías solares, sus beneficios y sus componentes, y el mantenimiento. La segunda mitad del taller cubrirá cómo funciona el Programa de Empoderamiento Solar. Este taller está disponible en Español y la duración es de 1.5 horas. Para registrarse y cualquier preguntas, póngase en contacto con o (520) 222-8067. Ubicación: Quincie Douglas Library 1585 E 36th St, Tucson, Arizona 85713.


Basics of Fair Housing – English


Did you know? It is illegal to discriminate in housing based on someone’s race, color, religion, national origin, sex, familial status, and disability. During this class you will learn about the history of fair housing, where fair housing applies, the importance of fair housing work, the seven protected classes, fair housing complaint statistics, fair housing laws, prohibited activities, accessibility features for new construction, use of criminal records, potential signs of discrimination, exemptions to the Fair Housing Act, who is held liable for housing discrimination, fair housing cases, and how to file a fair housing complaint inquiry with SERI. You will receive a certificate for attending the full class.


Basics of Fair Housing – English


Did you know? It is illegal to discriminate in housing based on someone’s race, color, religion, national origin, sex, familial status, and disability. During this class you will learn about the history of fair housing, where fair housing applies, the importance of fair housing work, the seven protected classes, fair housing complaint statistics, fair housing laws, prohibited activities, accessibility features for new construction, use of criminal records, potential signs of discrimination, exemptions to the Fair Housing Act, who is held liable for housing discrimination, fair housing cases, and how to file a fair housing complaint inquiry with SERI. You will receive a certificate for attending the full class.


Basics of Fair Housing – English


Did you know? It is illegal to discriminate in housing based on someone’s race, color, religion, national origin, sex, familial status, and disability. During this class you will learn about the history of fair housing, where fair housing applies, the importance of fair housing work, the seven protected classes, fair housing complaint statistics, fair housing laws, prohibited activities, accessibility features for new construction, use of criminal records, potential signs of discrimination, exemptions to the Fair Housing Act, who is held liable for housing discrimination, fair housing cases, and how to file a fair housing complaint inquiry with SERI. You will receive a certificate for attending the full class.




Are you interested in projects that support environmental and energy justice? Join the Center’s team and the Director, Dr. Paloma Beamer, to talk about how you and your organization can move towards environmental and energy justice through our free services. This event is produced by Dialogue4Health in partnership with PHI Center for Health Leadership & Impact. Discuss your organization’s needs on: Grant Navigation; Community Leadership; and Technical Expertise. We look forward to talking with you. Space is limited and registration is required!

Conceptos básicos de vivienda justa – Español

Quincie Douglas Library 1585 E 36th St, Tucson, Arizona, United States

¿Sabías? La discriminación en vivienda es ilegal, basado en la raza, color, religión, nacionalidad, género, estado familiar y discapacidad. Durante esta clase aprenderás sobre la historia de vivienda justa, dónde se aplica la vivienda justa, la importancia del trabajo de vivienda justa, las siete clases protegidas, estadísticas de quejas de vivienda justa, leyes de vivienda justa, actividades prohibidas, características de accesibilidad para construcciones nuevas, uso de antecedentes penales, posibles signos de discriminación, exenciones a la Ley de Vivienda Justa, quién es responsable de la discriminación en la vivienda, casos de vivienda justa, y cómo puede presentar una queja de vivienda justa en SERI. Recibirás un certificado por atender la clase completa.


Basics of Fair Housing – English


Did you know? It is illegal to discriminate in housing based on someone’s race, color, religion, national origin, sex, familial status, and disability. During this class you will learn about the history of fair housing, where fair housing applies, the importance of fair housing work, the seven protected classes, fair housing complaint statistics, fair housing laws, prohibited activities, accessibility features for new construction, use of criminal records, potential signs of discrimination, exemptions to the Fair Housing Act, who is held liable for housing discrimination, fair housing cases, and how to file a fair housing complaint inquiry with SERI. You will receive a certificate for attending the full class.


Conceptos básicos de vivienda justa – Español


¿Sabías? La discriminación en vivienda es ilegal, basado en la raza, color, religión, nacionalidad, género, estado familiar y discapacidad. Durante esta clase aprenderás sobre la historia de vivienda justa, dónde se aplica la vivienda justa, la importancia del trabajo de vivienda justa, las siete clases protegidas, estadísticas de quejas de vivienda justa, leyes de vivienda justa, actividades prohibidas, características de accesibilidad para construcciones nuevas, uso de antecedentes penales, posibles signos de discriminación, exenciones a la Ley de Vivienda Justa, quién es responsable de la discriminación en la vivienda, casos de vivienda justa, y cómo puede presentar una queja de vivienda justa en SERI. Recibirás un certificado por atender la clase completa.


Taller de Empoderamiento Solar – Español


Aprovechar el poder del sol se ha vuelto cada vez más importante en la búsqueda de fuentes de energía renovables y sostenibles. Este taller está diseñado para informar a los participantes la comprensión de las tecnologías solares, sus beneficios y sus componentes, y el mantenimiento. La segunda mitad del taller cubrirá cómo funciona el Programa de Empoderamiento Solar. Este taller está disponible en Español y la duración es de 1.5 horas. Únete aquí Meeting ID: 838 2121 6354 and Passcode: 559074. Para preguntas contacto o (520) 403-6905.


Basics of Fair Housing – English


Did you know? It is illegal to discriminate in housing based on someone’s race, color, religion, national origin, sex, familial status, and disability. During this class you will learn about the history of fair housing, where fair housing applies, the importance of fair housing work, the seven protected classes, fair housing complaint statistics, fair housing laws, prohibited activities, accessibility features for new construction, use of criminal records, potential signs of discrimination, exemptions to the Fair Housing Act, who is held liable for housing discrimination, fair housing cases, and how to file a fair housing complaint inquiry with SERI. You will receive a certificate for attending the full class.


Conceptos básicos de vivienda justa – Español


¿Sabías? La discriminación en vivienda es ilegal, basado en la raza, color, religión, nacionalidad, género, estado familiar y discapacidad. Durante esta clase aprenderás sobre la historia de vivienda justa, dónde se aplica la vivienda justa, la importancia del trabajo de vivienda justa, las siete clases protegidas, estadísticas de quejas de vivienda justa, leyes de vivienda justa, actividades prohibidas, características de accesibilidad para construcciones nuevas, uso de antecedentes penales, posibles signos de discriminación, exenciones a la Ley de Vivienda Justa, quién es responsable de la discriminación en la vivienda, casos de vivienda justa, y cómo puede presentar una queja de vivienda justa en SERI. Recibirás un certificado por atender la clase completa.